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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Howard zinn @ city college

Today in city collage it was verry intresting the reason why is becouse the students thier in city collage were poforming and remebering about Haiward zinn the students porformed and it looked like they have practice hard to not be stage fright.If it wouldnt be for this man i think the world would still hide about our history, in our history book thier is mostly white history and and Harward zinn changed it he made a book that inspirerd alot of people he stood up for what he thought was wrong. The students at city collage talked about different things that he put in his book the guy that i thought that did good was jose he did his speach without a papper and that really surprise me,he put emotion he acted like he knows the effort he was talking about currage and currage is something that people are scared to do and thats what im trying to do.

As you can see he has gone though alot he was like a person who wanted freedom he knew how the color people felt being disrespected and discriminice he helped people

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