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Friday, December 2, 2011

Rules for arguing

An "I" message
an i message is likely to lead to a problem-solving conversation.most couple's start attacking each other instead of the problem.when you argue attack the problem and not bring up the past.Think if the problem is worth fighting for or not.try to avoid saying "you always," "you never" or "every time". that could make your patter feel bad, don't put down each other.also don't call each other names,express what you want instead of harping on what you don't want.

Friday, September 16, 2011


I Am a strong woman
I Wonder if i would ever be someone in life
I hear my son calling me “mom”
I see my son running after me
I want to be the best mom for my son

I am a strong women
I pretend that im happy with what I have
I feel sad when I cant give my son everything
I touch my bay’s when he sleeps
I worry on not going to collage
I cry when I can’t do everything

I am a strong women
I understand that not all the time parents stay together
I say, ”I’m okay to so I won’t make people feel sympathy for me”
I dream of being working with young teens
I try to not think negative about problems
I hope to succed and make things happend

I am a strong women

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

your love

Name:Betsy rangel
Challenge: to be good mom and finish high school
Dream: to be a massage therapy

Your love
Your love is tendered, you’re fragile and soft
As I carry you I feel like I’m going to hurt you.
Your cry is like my love that isn’t enough.
The first cry I heard from you brought me joy,
As I saw you’re small face, fingers, and your eyes looking at me
I knew you knew that you looked up to me
You falling asleep on my chest I knew I needed to protect you,
I know you could hear my heart beat when you lay down on my chest
You hear it and with my heart beat you know
that’s how great my love is for you
Nothing will ever stop me from loving you